Stunning glass bouquet-shape hand-blown vase with curved handles and beautiful iridescent green finish, reflecting in pink and lavender and displaying delicate craquelure effect. The vase is adorned with hand-painted white, red, and blue enamel and volumized gilt Islamic-inspired scroll motifs. The base and the opening of the vase are completed with gilt rims.
This design is referred as "Cypern Glass" and was developed by Professor Max Rade (1840-1917) for Fritz Heckert in the late 19th Century. Vases with same pattern have been also produced by renown German glasswork company Josephinenhutte. IIn 1921, Fritz Heckert and Josephinenhutte formed Heckert-Josephinenhutte Glaswerke AG, continuing the legacy of both companies, and specializing in production of trendy Art Nouveau (or Jugendstil) style glassworks.
The piece is not signed. Attribution is done as per vintage catalogues. Great condition with minimal wear on surface.